Shooting video in Uganda and Kenya

I learned to shoot video in college. I’d majored in broadcast journalism and wanted to be a television news reporter. In addition to learning how to write scripts, they told us we had to learn to shoot our own video, because we’d be doing that starting out in the business rather than having a photojournalist to go with us on shoots. I didn’t know that going into school, but was I fine with it. Something new to learn.

My first attempts as a photog were pretty bad and will never show up on The Internet if I can help it. But fast forward a couple decades, years that include being an multimedia journalist and freelancer who shoots and edits, I’d say I’m solid, and I still enjoy shooting video.

So when I got the opportunity to shoot in Uganda and Kenya, I was thrilled. My uncle and aunt have been planting churches in Uganda, Kenya, and Nigeria since the 1990s, and they opened a school in Uganda. I’ve been working for them for about a year on the digital side of things for their nonprofit (designing and managing the website, posting on their Facebook page), and my latest project was to document the mission trip.

Visiting Uganda and Kenya was amazing. And I’m excited to start using the videos and photos I got to support their fundraising and awareness efforts.

Thinking about a video project of your own?

Get in touch with me.


Color grading goat yoga and pottery videos for ABC24

